Finally after much anticipation I get to once more enjoy a nice cool Dole Whip at the Iowa State Fair.
We had nice weather for the fair today and we saw some interesting things. I will write up some thoughts about the fair tomorrow, as it is very late and I committed myself to getting my run in before blogging. That said, the temp and humidity dropped here this evening and provided great conditions for a run. My goal tonight was to complete a longer run and to maintain a comfortable pace all the way through. I managed a 7.68 mile jog in 83 minutes. This certainly was not a fast run and I did not intend for it to be either. It turned out to be the most comfortable run I've had post DAM and that made me feel good.
I figured out the issue with the toes on my right foot. A close inspection of the insole revealed that it had traveled halfway up my heel. Evidently I have been running like that for some time. My toes must have been pushing it backward as they flexed. By the end of this evening run it had slipped back again. New shoes are a must. Mine have roughly 500 miles on them now. I just need to budget for a pair soon.
Before retiring for the night I am going to be updating the finishing roster over on the AATC blog. I will be adding Kristin and Kate to the list. Kate did 15 miles Saturday and another 10 on Sunday. Way to go Kate, Goofy is in your grasp! Kristen had to do her run following a long 12hr shift on Saturday. Glad you could get your run in this week Kristin!
I will be posting another Virtual Team run soon. I want to keep this fun without over doing it, so lets aim for a run in October. Spooky huh? Could be...
Glad to see your run went well and that you figured out the shoe issue. Cornfest was great. I think another virtual race is a great idea. If you do it in October, it should be nothing less than a 10k for those of us training for '09 half. We should all be able to do that distance by October.
Dole Whip and an enjoyable run! Life is good.
MMmmmmmmmm Dooooooole Whiiiiiiiip!
Totally into another virtual run! Need to redeem myself ;-) How about October 11th? I'm running in the Hartford Half Marathon then and could use the crowd and participants to help...
Either way, perhaps you have a career in race organization Mr. have a knack for it!
Hey, I just realized I didn't see FERNANDO at the CornFest! Seems like it would have been a great opportunity from some athlete interviews!!
Your right Deb. I realize Nando has been a bit quiet lately. I heard he went out to Passamaquoddy to pin Glenn down for that elusive interview. Rumor has it that Edna Mode may be sitting in for him at the Hideaway.
Stayed tuned...
HI Jeff!
Glad to see you. You look great!!! Yummy Dole whip.That makes me want to run up to the World and get one.
I agree with Craig, and Chris on the next one being longer for those of us who are in the half.
Glad you figured out your shoe issue.
yes, i would like that - by october i could be back in and i am very bummed to not be going on the TOT run this year as i had been planning!!!!
Sorry I missed out on this last run - I want in on the next!
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