Wednesday, May 14, 2008


How's this for a bizarre picture? Found this one doing a google search.

Well I managed to turn off Otto the auto pilot today and I did well on my points.

5 BK
5 LN
7 DN
5 SN

And I made time to get in a nice run 7.5 miles. Hopefully I can stay focused.

BTW: Great Airplane feedback on yesterdays post. Fun to read what every one had to say. I placed a couple Airplane clips over it the clip joint. Enjoy...


[rich] said...

nice run - also is that you on the intros to Johns podcast?

Jeff W said...

Yep, been doing intros for the AATM off and on for nearly a year now.
Mike Fess has recently begun doing some too. I asked him to help out with the Trek/Wars intro and it turned out nicely.
He and I have a couple other ideas that we are considering for down the road.

Matt said...

Hey Jeff - Be sure to stay away from the fish dinners. Haha! I totally forgot about the "I speak jive" line.