Saturday, July 17, 2010

Weekend Update 7/17/10

Here’s wants been going on with me this week.

As promised I did go out for an evening 5K wog following Tuesday’s Skype call.

I missed Wednesday’s early walk after deciding to sleep in and unfortunately I did not make it out later.

Thursday I went out early and got in 4 miles. Due to high humidity it was really tough going. I began walking and after the first 1.5 miles I started to jog but quickly faded as it felt like I was breathing through a sponge. Another jogging attempt shortly after ended the same way. At the 5k mark I decided to give jogging one more try and this time my breathing feel into place as I fell into an 11:40 pace which I managed to keep up for the last mile.

This morning I awoke an hour and a half later than planned for my morning run but managed to get out the door by 7:30. This gave me enough time to finish 6 miles before I had to get ready for my weekend shift. Setting out my goal was to keep my walking and jogging structured. I walked the first mile and once more managed a 1 mile jog around that same 11:40 pace. The following two miles were a mile walk and a half mile jog. As I came off the second jog I had a difficult time keeping a walking pace under 16. After walking to the 3.1 mile mark I began jogging again and once more completed a full mile. The remaining two miles were a mix of what ever felt right and most of what felt right was walking.

With two and a half months before Wine and Dine I’m really not sure if I’m on target or not. Mentally, I am more fired up than I was going into last January. Physically, if I do not stay consistent with training I fear that I will fall short of the finish. That’s not quite right. I believe I’ll finish but if I set one personal goal for this event it would be to finish stronger that I did in January. I’m not talking about speed, I simply mean better prepared and with a higher endurance level. I’ve wasted so many months and now I feel that I could finally be getting on track.

Over the past few weeks I have lost 7 pounds. Wish it was coming off faster but at least it has gone down a little each week. Here is the training schedule I want to maintain.

Saturday: Long Run, 6 miles
Sunday: Recovery
Monday: Run 3.1 Miles
Tuesday: Walk 3.1 Miles
Wednesday: Run 4 Miles
Thursday: Walk 3.1 Miles

Along with the miles I need to really work on stretching. I continue to have trouble with tight calves.

Below is map of the 6 mile course I have been doing. The long north/south section is rolling hills and when I make the turn back west there is a nice long gradual hill. Kronk might be proud.

(Click image to enlarge)

On the long hill this morning I was jogging on the left against traffic (no sidewalks)and there was another guy out there who was jogging straight up the middle of the road (literally on the yellow line) completely oblivious to everything. Yes he was wearing an ipod and yes cars came up behind him. One kept driving slow right behind him evidently afraid to pass. Then a truck came up and he just flew around this bozo. The guy didn’t even flinch. I think this guy lives a block over from me. If I see him out again I will be saying something to him.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Winds Of Change

(View from our deck during during a recent storm)

I've been making changes. Here's what I've been doing since my last post.

7/3 6 Miles Wog 01:21:20 13:33 Avg.

7/5 3.1 Mile Walk Joined by my wife. Not Timed.

7/7 3.53 Wog 00:53:20 15:07 Avg. Slower average due to having stayed up Monday night and going into work for a 2am maintenance. I was so tired when I got home that I really debated if I should jog. In the end I was more concerned that I would oversleep and not go out later in the evening.

7/9 2 Mile Walk Joined by my wife. Not Timed.

This past Saturday I awoke to a beautiful sunrise. After completing my run I asked Emily if she wanted to go out for a walk and she did. Its been really nice having both of us working on getting more fit. It

7/10 6 Miles Wog 01:21:53 13:37 Avg

7/10 3.1 Mile Walk Joined by my wife. Not Timed.

(Too bad the view will be spoiled once the remaining lots are sold)

In other news...

I will be attending the Wine & Dine Half Marathon! Airfare to Orlando is really low right now and that played a big part in the decision. I'll be arriving Thurs Sept 3oth and leaving the next Monday. Should prove to be a fast paced trip. So between now and then I'll be working on getting back to a consistent running pace and stretching out those miles. For this trip I'll be staying in a studio over at Saratoga Springs. Going to use Magical Express and skip the car rental so if anyone can help me out Friday with a lift over to packet pickup... I'd really like to avoid the whole bus thing. (That always seem like such a mess in January)

Well off to work now. Remember the Team Voice Skype call on the 13th at 8:00pm EST.